Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

week 5 , what smartphone appslication that I love

Hello ladies and gentlemen
I will tell you about the reason why i choose applications that I like is facebook, namely because easier for me to communicate with my friends, my family, my girlfriend and other people who are around me. The first time I know that my time facebook SMK class 2, the first time I know facebook, I felt I was very conservative and did not know anything about the facebook application. And then I was taught by my friend to play facebook. And I finally know about the application ie google chrome, yhe reason I like this application is due, I make it easier to find information both domestically and abroad. In addition this aplication can also be easier for us to work on our assignments, ie for example, to search for infomation, to acquire general knowledge and others. In addition this application can also be easier for us to work on our assignments, ie for example,to search for information, to acquire general knowledge and otherrs. Thanks to the application of this application, I was greatly helped and easier for me to do my routine in various fields. Other friends who come to use the existing application. See you again.

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